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Painting the "Church" as Christians.

Saturday morning I spent time with some sweet ladies from Trinity Baptist in Murfreesboro, AR. We had a devotional, prayer, good conversation, and some fun painting time. From what I understand, the women regularly or often, open their doors on a Saturday morning for fellowship. So those who come will bring their projects they are working on and they just have some relaxing fellowship. How awesome is that! This particular morning they scheduled in some time to have a painting party with me!

That morning I got up to do my devotional that morning was a nudge to what I wanted these women to know. I had chosen to paint a cute, old white primitive style church building, surrounded by simple, and yes primitive floral landscape. ( I AM SO READY FOR SPRING!) That morning, I woke up and the verse of the day was; Galations 5:13.

"For ye, brethren were called for freedom. Only use not your freedom for an occasion to the flesh; but through love. Be servants to one another."

Paul was speaking to the Galations, about their confusion of Christ commands and the Jewish laws, He basically tells them (paraphrasing here) they have seen Christ crucified yet you still allow those of the law to confuse and alter their beliefs and actions for Christ. In verse 6 of this chapter he says; "the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself as love." and goes on to say;

"for the entire law is fulfilled in keeping one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

GAL. 5: 14

The words literally jumped right from my brain into my heart.

We often "paint" an idea of a "church" and how it should be classified. I am constantly surrounded by friends and family from other denominations. As a kid, I felt like this was a hard thing to deal with. It seemed I was always wondering why we could not just go to the same church? I wondered why is there basically a ridicule to be one or the other. After high school, I attended a private college whose denomination was "Church of Christ". It was there I realized, not all CofC kids and adults were the same. Kids were there representing all 52 states and almost all the countries in the world, This tends to become a "melting pot" for all kinds of kinds, of Christians. I need to state, that I DO NOT remember thinking; "If you are not Church of Christ you're going to Hell". I honestly do not even remember hearing that really? Maybe God allowed me to be naive, or block out the bad. Because that is what it is to think that.... BAD. Now, more than ever, Christians need to be a whole.

I have always taken any opportunity to learn from any Christian. I always ask the important questions; the main issues I have heard that separate us from other denominations. So here I am on a rainy Saturday morning, with a group of wonderful Christian ladies, both of us from two different denominations. That devotional I wrote in my journal is burning a hole in my purse. I told them I had to share what was on my heart. I had to let them know how grateful I am to be able to share this moment and passion of art I have, with them. No matter what "church" we attended. They were so receptive of my words.

Ironic thing about this is; there we were, about to paint the "church". A simple white church with a black cross at the top. No name on the front, not one sign, and nothing to separate that building from any other church building. That is how I feel when I am with any Christian. We are just the body of Christ, what matters is whats within us. That "church" building is just that; A place to gather, to worship, to bring lost souls, and heal the broken ones. WE ARE THE CHURCH.

The laws of the religions, are mostly traditions created over time. Much of the separation of the "churches" are over disagreements to how traditions should be carried out. Interpretation of the word is different for everyone. Christ's laws were made as guides to be followers of Christ and allow us to spend an eternity with him. In Galations, Paul was confused by the actions of the people.. They had the proof, the real deal action of God working through Christ, and they were worried about laws. We have the interpretation of his stories, and the gospel laid out in front of us, and yet in that manual, Paul says the greatest of these is LOVE.

I love each person enough to want us all to be Christians, and spend our eternity in Heaven. My life would be a little less beautiful if I allowed the traditions and laws set in the religion to keep me from knowing and learning from any of his followers. This can be a tough subject, many are strict denomination followers. I Pray those women understood my heart, and intentions, when I said. We are all Christians, that "the only thing that counts is faith expressing itself as love." Galations 5:6

LOVE Always


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